Awash Insurance started out alongside Awash International Bank, almost three decades ago, as the first private insurance institution with a mission of normalizing the service as a necessity.

Today, it stands as the most successful and expanded insurance institution in the country but a problem was afoot. The old brand established during its founding stood to be obsolete and not reflective of the brand’s and organization’s progress and growth. Hence, the clients ventured out to refresh their brand with a new mixed-type logo and tagline(corporate slogan). That is where the client reached out and looked to have a massive ATL communication to introduce their new brand. With an understanding of the brand’s values and aspirations, we went to understand the world of insurance.
We went back to our community and saw the roots - for the concept of insurance, deep in our history. In Ethiopian society, ‘Edir’ stands as a rainy day fund for members, where - if a death occurs within that community, the savings of the social organization would be allocated for the funeral proceedings as. Catering and tending to guests would be the responsibilities of the members as well.
From there, a team of senior personnel set out to the communities that the conception and practice of ‘Haadha Siinqee’ took place. This was done in order to have a strong research foundation for the strategic bedrock within this rebranding venture.
This led to the principle of two’s in forming the bridge between the banking sector and Siinqee. The bond formed between those who are empowered and the facilitators of change is a unique one - one that can change the lives of so many. That is where we found our strategy to lay the path ahead for the creative identity of Siinqee Bank.

That is where our ideation of the campaign started to find ground. The insight became to represent Awash Insurance as an inspiration of the community’s value of being there during the tough times and to celebrate people’s celebration. This was kicked off by a teaser campaign depicting the logo as a simple abstraction of protection and cover of different community members.

This was followed up by finally introducing the rebranding of Awash Insurance by pairing our reveal TVC with billboards. The story of our main character followed the life story of a man who has had the protection of the community throughout his life and towards his eventual success and happiness.