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Born of a Culture to Share

Coming to us, the client looked for a deeper exploration of the brand and all the potential it holds. As an exponential rise in profits demanded an upgrade in brand imagery, the concern was transforming the brand to match its new business heights. As finance and banking can be a sensitive matter. The action plan became about setting down an appropriate strategy document. That laid the foundation on which the whole rebranding process would progress from there. 


Once there was an agreement on this document which took back-and-forths months in the making, the concern became what the new face of the brand would look like. Since the last two focused on the archaic emblem feel and a simplified coffee illustration, we looked to meaningful representation of the brands. After some options and proactive discussions with the client, we reached a consensus on “the eye” - not any mundane eye, of course. An icon with multiple layers of meaning attempting to represent the entirety of the brand.


From there, we looked to develop characters, those who make the brand who they are. There was the farmer that resonated with us. The farmer represents Bunna Bank and their belief in each and every seed that comes to them. With a look to the horizon, the farmer believes in a future that is bright and full of possibilities. The farmer stands strongs and tolls for the visionnaires. 


Our work was not done, not even close. Going beyond the brief, we looked at how we can capitalize on the name of the brand being a repetitive part of everyone’s lives. We adapted different sociocultural sayings that relate with “bunna”/”coffee” and gave them a twist to relate them with banking, finance, the rebranding, and related instances. That was a journey that took us to developing these visual assets with a clean and an in-the-making brand theme.

With most of the rebranding complete, there remained the communication that would scream loud and clear that “Bunna is Here” . We took this television commercial to be a homage to the people that work day and night for a brighter tomorrow to show them that they are waiting for the revitalized Bunna. All this started in our ‘strategy’ phase where our audience segmentation helped us carry through a consistent narrative throughout the project. With that, we introduce “Bunna Bank”

Of course, what is a completing without all sector-centric visual assets and collaterals, that formed the meat of our brand guideline. Before getting to this, our whole process is explored with this succinct brand video.

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